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The best sleddog photographer 2019

The cup for The best sleddog photographer 2019 goes to

Danielle Kock


Second place went to John Elbers and third place went to Mary van den Boogaard.

We would like to thank Monica van Maden for making these difficult choices.

And our sponsor TNES for the jars.

The best three photographers also received a publication in the magazine Onze Hond .

1st Place Danielle Kock

Review Monica van Maden:

Danielle has really done a great job here, The composition is correct, a nice sharpness of the dogs and a nice soft background so that the attention for me immediately goes to the dogs .. what completes the picture for me is the almost synchronous attitude of both dogs and the happy faces, the tension on the leash that you see in the left dog to the scooter and the active attitude of the owner! And all this together with the beautiful autumn colors is definitely the winning photo for me! Very well done Danielle ..

Kivo Kempentrail 2019 - DaKo Fotografie - Daniëlle Kock.jpg

1st Place Danielle Kock

Review Monica van Maden:

Danielle has really done a great job here, The composition is correct, a nice sharpness of the dogs and a nice soft background so that the attention for me immediately goes to the dogs .. what completes the picture for me is the almost synchronous attitude of both dogs and the happy faces, the tension on the leash that you see in the left dog to the scooter and the active attitude of the owner! And all this together with the beautiful autumn colors is definitely the winning photo for me! Very well done Danielle ..


1st Place Danielle Kock

Review Monica van Maden:

Danielle has really done a great job here, The composition is correct, a nice sharpness of the dogs and a nice soft background so that the attention for me immediately goes to the dogs .. what completes the picture for me is the almost synchronous attitude of both dogs and the happy faces, the tension on the leash that you see in the left dog to the scooter and the active attitude of the owner! And all this together with the beautiful autumn colors is definitely the winning photo for me! Very well done Danielle ..

Mary van den Boogaard.jpg

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